How to Promote Your Business Using Classified Ads cipads

How to Promote Your Business Using Classified Ads

Classified ads can be very effective in online marketing. Free classified ads fit into every budget. It all comes down to how much time you are willing to spend creating, posting, updating and deleting ads. Depending on your particular product or service, it can be time-consuming to respond to interested parties, deliver goods or services …

How to Use Classified Ads to Grow Your Bay Area Business cipads

How to Use Classified Ads to Grow Your Bay Area Business

Suppose you are a small business in the Bay Area looking to promote an event, spread the word about your products to local customers, or hire new employees. If you have a highly targeted local audience, and a tight marketing budget, one potential option for maximizing those dollars is to make use of classified advertising. Not …

How to choose the best asking price for your car

In the market for a new car, or simply want to make some extra cash? Selling your car is a great way to do both, and selling on our website is made even easier with the convenience of finding interested buyers in your neighbourhood. From motors to everyday items, it’s easy to connect with your …

Stuck at home? Ditto. Here are some ideas to keep you occupied

While we’re advised to keep as close to our usual daily routines as possible, we have a lot of spare time kicking around. Why not rediscover those forgotten hobbies, or find some new ones to master? Read your way through the week with manybooks. Sink your teeth into some easy-to-follow recipes with Jamie Oliver.  …

How to Post an Ad ?

Our site is 100% free to post ads, browse ads, and respond to ads. Once you post your first free ad you will be able to create an account. Because you do not need an account to browse ads or respond to them, there is not an option to create an account before posting an …