If you want to get paid for your love of writing, we will provide you with a friendly community of writers, competitive rewards and global clients. If you are a professional writer, forget the days of endless searching for clients and enjoy, instead, a constant flow of orders and absolute freedom of choice. If you are a student, compare and see the difference between your part-time job and what we offer you: freedom to create your own schedule, great opportunities for growth and extremely competitive pay.
1. Master’s degree minimum, no major restriction
2. Strong academic writing skills and related experience preferred
3. Proficient in Microsoft Office
4. Know how to search journal articles online
5. Must be familiar with APA, MLA and Harvard format (citation, reference)
We expect you to:
1. Produce quality original writing
2. Meet client’s requirements
3. Deliver work on time
4. Follow company guidelines
If you are interested and qualified,
Please follow the link at http://www.expwrite.com/?page_id=16064 to complete the application form.
Let me know if you have any questions
- Только для директ. Просим спец. по персоналу не связ. с автором объявления.
- НЕ обращайтесь с незапрашиваемыми услугами или предложениями
- Job Type : Part Time
- Industry : Education
- Role / Designation : Looking for academic/ghost writers/proofreader (Moscow, Russia)
- Salary : 2,000 per month
- Educational Specialization : Business & Management
- Skills : Looking for academic/ghost writers/proofreader (Moscow, Russia)
- Type of service or business : option-title-1